DeafDigest - 16 October 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 16, 2014   -- Canada to deport a deaf teenager all by himself! A deaf teenager who has been living illegally in Canada has been arrested by the Canada Border Services Agency. His crime? None! He was chatting with his old high school friends on the high school property. When it started to rain, he went inside - thus "violating" the policy that unregistered students are not allowed inside the building. The attorney for the Solidarity Across Borders is fighting the deportation on behalf of this deaf teenager. The Canadian agency is stubborn and is still going ahead with the deportation to Mexico, his native country. He has no one in Mexico to look after him.   -- an insensitive comment by a former Boston mayor Thomas M. Menino is a past mayor of Boston. He was in New York City to give a talk about a book that he was writing. After his talk, the audience started to ask him questions. The very first question was from a deaf woman, wanting to know why the museums in Boston were not deaf friendly (no interpreters, no captions, no scripts, no nothing). Menino replied: talk to the new mayor!   -- a check-off list for deaf seeking government services If one goes to McDonalds, they can use the check-off list for their menu choices - hamburger, french fries, soft drink, etc. In Fukui City in Japan, the local government people are coming up with a check-off list for the benefit of deaf residents that seek assistance - examples are registering for a local election, paying utility bills, request for a street sign, request to fill up a pot hole, etc, etc. The government clerk will then point the deaf person to the right office.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 10/12/14 Blue edition at: 10/12/14 Gold edition at:

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