DeafDigest - 16 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 16, 2018   -- infamous Texas deaf legend we never knew about Texas, a big state, is full of cowboy legends. One such legend was Deaf Charley (real name Camillo Orlando Hanks). He was deaf and in the early 1900's, he worked for the infamous Butch Cassidy gang. His job was to be a lookout when Butch and his gang robbed railroad passengers. His job lasted only a year and half, as a sheriff confronted him in a saloon and shot him dead!   -- travel ID card not enough for the deaf A ferry company has come up with a disability ID cards to enable the staff to help the deaf and the disabled. But is the card enough to help the deaf? The ferry company said the card helps the staff identify the deaf that can lipread. What about sign language? It wasn't mentioned in the company press release!   -- Sears and the deaf Sears may disappear for good. The world famous Sears catalog has disappeared years ago. Any deaf stuff in the Sears catalog? There was one - the 1903 catalog listed for sale - an ear-trumpet to help the deaf to hear better. Yes, this was before the hearing aid made the trumpet obsolete.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/14/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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