DeafDigest - 16 September 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 16, 2014 -- a mistake by a native of Scotland People of Scotland will vote Thursday for independence or to stay with the Great Britain. A native of Scotland made a big mistake. It was Alexander Graham Bell! He invented the telephone, hoping to help the deaf to hear. It didn't but the world was never the same.  Bell from Scotland? He was born in Edinburgh but moved to Canada as a young man and then shuttled back and forth between USA and Canada for the rest of his life.   -- a deaf woman with interesting skills Tina Duresky, a deaf woman living in the Phoenix, Arizona area, has two interesting skills. She is a softball umpire, a basketball referee and also a volleyball referee. With the police, she is a crime lab technician, rushing to crime scenes to collect fingerprints and other evidences. While this job with the Avondale Police Department is volunteer, she is hoping it will turn into a full time career.   -- lone deaf person attending a hearing convention A deaf person attended a hearing convention all by himself. He didn't know if there were deaf people around. He went to the disability booth to sign up for accommodations but was given a wheelchair pin; there was no deafness pin. Just one interpreter which was not always available for some workshops. No one was around to guide him on first day chaos and confusion. The videos were not captioned. It was the same San Diego Comic Con week where a disorganized zombie walk led to a frightened deaf driver being attacked, forcing him to drive away, hitting someone - which will lead to a number of lawsuits.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 09/14/14 Blue edition at: 09/14/14 Gold edition at:

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