DeafDigest - 16 September 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 16, 2015 morning   -- the Alexander Graham Bell mystery Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell was not liked by some deaf people because of his strong anti-ASL, pro-oral viewpoints. Some of them have said he wanted deaf people elmininated from the face of earth. If this is true, then why did he marry a deaf woman. And as a Coda, would he have hated his deaf mother? Things claimed about him just does not make sense!   -- deaf job at gas station to fill up tanks Years ago, drivers got their gas filled up at gas stations by gas attendants. It was not until 1970's when gas stations became self-service. Anyway - did we have deaf gas station attendants? Do not know but there was a 1947 movie "Out of the Past" that featured a fake-deaf actor that played the role of a deaf gas station attendant. Critics said the acting of that fake-deaf actor was realistic!     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   9/13/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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