DeafDigest - 16 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 16, 2019 -- interesting reason some hearing love captions There is an interesting reason why some hearing people love captions. They hate the loud sounds while watching the movie!   -- ASL becomes WSL ASL could become WSL (Work Sign Language). There was an article about importance of sign language in the work place. An example would be a deaf digital printer using sign language for the word "merge" to tell the hearing digital printer to combine two pictures into one picture.     -- understanding the legal process A deaf person was arrested. The district attorney said: he has hard time understanding the legal process because of his deafness DeafDigest is sure that many hearing prisoners do have a hard time understanding the legal process!   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/15/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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