DeafDigest - 17 April 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 17, 2015   -- personal contacts better than advocating A deaf businessman, who does a lot of business with a national mail order store, is not happy. The store has DVD videos that are not captioned. He is planning to visit the store management to explain the importance of captions on their videos. The store has to listen because he will take his business elsewhere if they won't caption. This warning is more powerful than just advocating because the store does not want to lose the deaf man's business. Said the deaf businessman: The diplomacy is the key   -- a shocking police department silence Bradford is a small city of just 8,300 people in Pennsylvania. The city police officers stopped a deaf driver after a traffic stop and brutally beat him up, knocking out his CI. The grandfather, who was riding with him, is angry about it and is planning a lawsuit. He confronted the police chief and asked him a simple question: Does your department have training on how to deal with the deaf? The chief said yes, but refused to explain the procedures! This is shocking, especially from the chief.   -- ADA does not cover one very important issue The ADA has many pages in its book of regulations, covering five different categories. One very important issue is not covered in ADA and which is why we have so many lawsuits. It is captions on the internet - meaning captioned videos. Why not? ADA became law in 1990 - years before the internet become common and again years before video captions came up.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 4/12/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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