DeafDigest - 17 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 17, 2018 -- deaf actor remembers Star Trek Howie Seago, who is deaf, is a theatrical actor with many plays to his credit. He rarely appears on TV and movies, but at one time, he did - with a Star Trek episode on a 1987 TV program. In these days it was difficult to overcome discrimination against deaf actors. Anyway he came to the producers with a long list of suggestions on how to use a deaf actor in in Star Trek. The producers told they may get back with him. He had to wait 6 months before they gave him the good news. For Howie, patience paid off. A picture is at:   -- Starbucks and the deaf We have read about the Starbucks controversy in Philadelphia where two men were arrested on trespassing charges even though they were waiting for a third person to show up. What about the deaf? Starbucks good to the deaf or bad to the deaf? Seems to be some good and some bad. Starbucks has hired few deaf people as baristas, but Starbucks has been slapped with several lawsuits over the years on discrimination issues.   -- a comment by a 911 dispatcher in a newspaper story a county dispatcher in Oregon said that they prefer to get voice, not text in case of emergencies, but are aware that deaf people cannot use voice - but - with one exception. A deaf person lives in that county; the dispatchers know him (and his deaf voice). When there is an emergency with him, he repeats twice his name and his address with the dispatcher. The police that come to his house already know that he is deaf and could deal with him appropriately.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- artist Goya's biggest deafness irony 04/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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