DeafDigest - 17 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 17, 2018   -- these 911 texts How many texts per month would a police dispatcher serving two low-population counties in Georgia receive? Just four texts per month on the average; some from deaf; some from hearing that do not want their voices to be overheard. Just hope that the police dispatchers, despite being well trained, would not forget how to deal with these 911-texts sent by the deaf because these are so few and far in between! A picture is at:   -- Stokoe's protege departs us Dennis Cokeley has departed us. For years and years he worked to improve standards among interpreters and among ASL teachers. He started out at Gallaudet, where he was William Stokoe's protege before moving on to a long career at Northeastern University. Stokoe as many know, is the Father of ASL - but there was one big difference. Stokoe couldn't sign ASL fluently while Cokely was fluent.   -- a state offers tax breaks for deaf with savings accounts Texas has a deal for the deaf - offering tax breaks on certain savings accounts for certain deaf-related expenses. It does not matter if the deaf person is on SSI or SSDI or Medicaid. It is best that interested deaf persons get qualified counseling with this tax break savings account. Do other states offer this same deal? Do not know.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- confusing gestures 08/12/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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