DeafDigest - 17 February 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 17, 2016 -- a well known actress knows ASL because of a reason Emma Stone is a well known actress. She knows ASL. When she was a young girl, she was homeschooled. And her tutor was deaf! She had to learn ASL to communicate with the tutor over her homeschooled lessons and home work! A picture is at:   -- a small state says no to interpreters for deaf prisoners Delaware is one of the smallest states in USA, but its volume may speak louder than any other bigger states. Delaware has deaf prisoners; they need interpreters. But Delaware Judge T. Henley Graves says no to interpreters! Why? He said that prisons are not public accommodations, and therefore not subject to ADA! In other words, prisons are not open to general public! Is Graves' thinking weird? Yes!   -- a Deaf Invention A group of deaf tinkerers have invented a special weightlifting equipment, and in fact, already raised capital funds. This invention is called Gripbell, and it claims to be the best weightlifting and training equipment to be used in the gymnasiums.     Latest deaf jobs: or click on "jobs" past Mid-Week & morning editions: 02/14/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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