DeafDigest - 17 February 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 17, 2017 -- successful self-teacher of ASL A hearing basketball coach knew nothing about ASL before he was hired to coach at Gallaudet University. Knowing communications was important in coaching, he taught himself ASL and before not too long, he became fairly fluent. That coach is John Becker. He coached Gallaudet basketball for five years before moving on. He is now the coach of the successful University of Vermont basketball team. A picture is at:   -- unusual request for State Emergency Services State Emergency Services (SES) is a national Australian agency. It is like our own local EMT services. Only recently SES was given a task that they've never done before - to look for 6-year old deaf child's lost CI. Searching everywhere, the lost CI was found, making this mission a success.   -- a twist with the ZVRS purchase of Purple DeafDigest announced few days ago that ZVRS is purchasing Purple. And a twist has surfaced. The FCC had been hot after Purple to pay up a multi-million dollar penalty because of illegal billings. Just as when the ZVRS purchase was announced, the FCC immediately announced settlement of its case! Was the settlement planned because of the purchase or was the timing of the settlement purely coincidental? We may never knnow.       Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- History, big deaf role 2/12/17 Blue and Gold editions at:   -- Survey: Have You ever been arrested or taken to prison? Survey conducted by Dr. Gabe Lomas, Western Connecticut State University. Do click on: also click below to see the video:  

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