DeafDigest - 17 February 2020

DeafDigest Gold - February 16, 2020
Gold Edition - updated every Monday
Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 23rd year
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Old Fogey
Thinking Communication Is Great
Last week's ASL Videos in youtube:
This week's ASL Videos in youtube:
list of upcoming Deaf National Events
Top stories about the deaf:
Babylon, a town on Long Island in New York,
has installed a relay service in a government
building, for the benefit of its deaf
Michigan SD finally hired a new principal after
a long process. The new principal is Rex Vernon.
The past principal just up and quit last year.
Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital
both have said they have found a way to treat
deafness that is hereditary.
The Oscar voters have been praised for voting for
Parasite as the first subtitled film to win the
big honor.
It was learned that Lavrentiy Beria, the second most
powerful person in Russia, serving under Joseph Stalin,
had a daughter, Anna, who was deaf. Details of her
life, unfortunately, was murky.
This week's ASL video in youtube
    Deaf Burke was a famous early 19th century boxer. Before one
big match, the referee was worried about Burke not able to
hear the shouted 10-count rule. If a boxer is knocked to the
floor, he must get up before the end of the 10-count rule or
he is knocked out. Instead, the referee used his arms to show
Burke each count. This is the rule that boxing uses today -
thanks to deaf Burke!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Unlock the phone with CapTel® Captioned Telephone! CapTel shows
word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone, letting
you read everything that they say - Like captions on TV – for the phone!
Captions are provided at no cost to the user, with no monthly fees or
contracts required. For more information or to order call 1-800-233-9130
For more info about CapTel or any of the many assistive listening devices
we offer, email:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
CapTel® Captioned Telephone – See What Everyone is Talking About!
This week's ASL video in youtube
    We have many deaf people that are great handymen.
They can build anything - often better than hearing
    There is one problem - communications. When these
deaf handymen have a problem during their projects,
they often do not go back to the hardware store to
get advice. It is because they are afraid to try
to communicate - and there may be misunderstandings.
    As a result, some of them work 3-4 months on a
project that can be finished in one Saturday morning!
This week's ASL video in youtube:
Rene Pellerin's Corner:
Extremely cold up here in Vermont and in the northern part of the USA.
The temperature was deeply below zero!
Of course we DeafBlind folks don’t drive and need to go out.
Some helpful tips in keeping you warm when going out.
Dress in layers, that will help very much in this cold weather.
Since we need to use our hands to touch and hold our white canes, most
gloves don’t do the trick!
I use silk like glove liners as a base layer then winter gloves, it really
So bundle up and enjoy the cold outings!
Rene's show business started in year 2010 and it focuses on the
You can email him at
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