DeafDigest - 17 January 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 17, 2019 -- fishy deaf births Is it a fishy story? There was a story of two CODA women wanting to have children. They found a donor; the first born child was deaf. The second born child was also deaf. Fishy or not fishy? Or genetics skipping a generation?   -- issue with deaf children used as interpreters Is it child abuse if young deaf children are being used as interpreters? This is an issue going on in Great Britain. Years ago DeafDigest editor ordered a burger and fries from a fast food place. The sandwich maker said something that was very unlipreadable. He was not willing to write it down on paper or to point to something. He actually was asking: do you want ketchup? A CODA child was in the group with DeafDigest editor and she simply interpreted - you want ketchup or not? Child abuse???????   -- Sign Language Bibles There was a story today that said: No sign language has a full Bible translation Doesn't matter what religion it is, the deaf do not have these full sign language Bible translations.     Deaf jobs – latest update 01/13/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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