DeafDigest - 17 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 17, 2015 morning -- a new word for hard of hearing people DeafDigest editor was reading something today and discovered a new word that describes hard of hearing people. It is: hearing-aid deaf Hmm, what about a new word for the CI people? cochlear-implant deaf     -- 3 easy lessons for a business to be deaf friendly An announcement was posted in a deaf e-news about a workshop for hearing business owners, teaching them to make their business deaf-friendly. It consisted of three lessons - attend a deaf relay workshop to learn how to communicate with the deaf; tour a deaf museum; join a deaf service agency as a member. Will it work? All depends on the attitude of these hearing business owners.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:     7/12/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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