DeafDigest - 17 July 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 17, 2017 -- seized police cash helping the deaf In drug arrests, police would seize cash held by pushers. Where does the cash go to? In the case of North Wales Police, it becomes a grant to help an agency serving the deaf! A picture is at:   -- comparing hearing patrons There are many all-deaf staff in small restaurants and cafes in Asia; not that too many, if any in USA. Why? The owner of an all-deaf restaurant in Asia said: Guests here are really tolerant, no matter if it takes time to communicate with deaf waiters The owner is implying that hearing patrons in USA is not so patient with deaf waiters!   -- Marlee Matlin accomplishes a special honor Marlee Matlin has accomplished a special honor, joining the Battle of the Network Stars TV program. It features fake-TV-attorneys versus fake-White-House-staffers. Her special honor is that she once played a fake-TV-attorney role and also a fake-White House staffer role. Not too many actors, if any, have achieved this special accomplishment!     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- anger at famous deaf person 7/16/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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