DeafDigest - 17 July 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 17, 2018   -- low cost or high cost captioning devices For theaters, the cost of closed captioning devices range from $400 to $7,500. The $400.00 cost is cheap, affordable by many movie theaters - but it comes with a big risk. Angry deaf patrons will be upset at poor quality of these cheap devices. A picture is at:   -- one of 51 most amazing museums Edsmart is an organization that promotes the best in what American universities have to offer. It ranked Gallaudet's museum as one of the 51 Most Astounding University Museums. This is the biggest honor that any university museum could ever hope to achieve.   -- gaming developers don't help the deaf Many deaf people love to play video games with their computers. Many of these games are not well- captioned. An advisor with these video games said "Developers often fail their deaf players" and said the reason is that they feel captioning is too complicated for them to develop.   Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- the W letter challenge 07/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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