DeafDigest - 17 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 17, 2015 morning   -- Deaf Russia as usual Going on right now is European Deaf Soccer championships. Russia just forfeited the game with Great Britain. Why? They were using an ineligible player, who was fake-deaf. This is an old story; Russia for years have been caught using fake-deaf athletes in Deaflympics and in international deaf sports championship events. And making it worse is that the Deaflympics president is a Russian!   -- 45 years too late at Omaha baseball stadium Yesterday's DeafDigest mentioned that TD Ameritrade agreed to caption, install loops and provide interpreters at its baseball stadium in Omaha (College Baseball World Series). It was 45 years too late. Two deaf brothers went to a ball game in Omaha. The public announcement system gave a message warning fans to leave the game early to catch the last bus. The two deaf brothers didn't know. It was late at night; bus service stopped - and they had to walk several miles in darkness to get to their home. Their deaf parents stood up all night worried about their missing deaf sons!     past Mid-Week & morning editions: 6/14/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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