DeafDigest - 17 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 17, 2015   -- a surprise about a school for the deaf Rochester School for the Deaf is well known. Many deaf people have known about or have heard about this school. But there is a big surprise with this school. Deaf people in the Rochester area watch local captioned news on two TV stations (WHAM-TV 13 and WUHF-TV 31). Who pays for these captions? Rochester School for the Deaf! This is the pleasant surprise.   -- last laugh at a deaf basketball tournament This month, there have been deaf regional basketball tournaments. The best teams move on to the national tournament. The championship game of one regional tournament involved a "broke" team of players paying for own travel expenses, lodging and meals. The coach of the other team paid out of his pockets to bring in top players with free train and plane tickets. Who won the championship? The broke team! Said one fan - money don't buy a championship.   -- sign language not allowed in legislative sessions A hearing legislator introduced himself, using sign language before addressing the need for interpreters. His sign langauge efforts pleased the deaf. It did not please the other legislators. In fact they scolded him, saying sign language was a violation of legislative courtesy. This legislator did not agree. Neither did the deaf organization that was pushing for this interpreter legislation. It did not happen in USA, but in Japan, at the Hyogo Prefecture!     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/15/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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