DeafDigest - 17 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 17, 2017 -- British MP uses sign language during a session Labour MP Dawn Butler used British Sign Language during a session at the House of Commons. She wanted British Sign Language to be given equal status as with other languages - English, Welsh, Cornish and Gaelic. After she sat down, MP's of all parties stood up to a loud applause. Will it become an official language? The House of Commons is the lower house and the upper house - the House of the Lords tend to look down on the lower House! A picture is at:   -- Gallaudet's Seven Year Itch Gallaudet had a Seven Year Itch, and it has nothing to do with personal relationships. Only it had something to do with the big announcement that the university will be offering a new major in Public Health. Seven years ago, then-new president Alan Hurwitz made a new Public Health major as one of his primary goals. Rome wasn't built in a day, though, and it took seven years for Hurwitz's dream to reach reality by the next Gallaudet administration. DeafDigest is very happy about it for it offers Gallaudet students another possible career choice.   -- two hearing people communicating in ASL There was a debate - is it OK for two hearing people to communicate with each other in ASL in public? Well, interpreters do that often. Coda classmates in public schools do that often. And there was a small scandal at the old Chicago Mercantile Exchange years ago when two Coda traders used ASL to communicate with each other on the trading floor! While they were not fired, they were disciplined.   Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Chopped Deaf Chef 3/12/17 Blue and Gold editions at:     Harris Communication announcements - Deaf Seniors of America Houston ASL link is at: text announcement is at:

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