DeafDigest - 17 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 17, 2020 -- confession of a deaf-in-one-ear person Deaf people would normally consider deaf-in-one-ear persons as hearing because they would hear normally out of their better ear. A deaf-in-one-ear person said he has problems knowing where the sound and noise came from. A cousin of DeafDigest editor is deaf in one ear; she told him that she makes it a point to always direct her ear to where the sound/noise came from, and while she was dating her boyfriend (before she married him) that he must always, and yes, always, stand on the side of her better ear. She taught regular classes in high school and said she had no issues, even with disruptive hearing students. Yes, she never knew ASL nor used it.   -- noisy workplace enviroment Anti-noise activists are always saying that workplace noise is bad for everyone. Well, many deaf people thrive in employment at noisy environments. Is it something that anti-noise activists are aware of, or not aware of - employment of the deaf?   -- FCC orders providers to help the deaf FCC, afraid that Coronavirus would disrupt the lives of the deaf, has ordered the providers to continue internet services for them, no matter if they have made monthly payments or have not made monthly payments. We shall see if FCC has kept its word. FCC is that very political.   Deaf jobs - latest update 03/15/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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