DeafDigest - 17 May 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, May 17, 2016 -- deaf women not allowed in recreational park Leanne Stead and her deaf friend were not allowed to use the facilities at a Go Ape Adventure Park in Great Britain. The reason was their deafness! The park said that deafness is a physical disability, the same as with the blind, wheelchair and amputees. Very angry, she posted on the company facebook about this incident. The posting went viral, forcing the company to apologize and to send her a full refund. A picture is at:   -- school tells deaf girl to go home A school in Canada, located way up north in the Hudson Bay, told a deaf girl to go home in the afternoons. Reason was no interpreter around. Her mother is very angry about it.   -- hot issue in Missouri A deaf man was arrested in Missouri, accused of drunk driving. An interpreter came over to help with the communications - but this interpreter had no certificate. This interpreter thought the deaf man refused a breath test. The deaf man said he never refused it and said the interpreter didn't understand him. So, the court is not sure whether to revoke his driver's license or to throw out the case on basis of interpreter's incompetence?     Latest deaf jobs:   Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Ice Cream vendor, deaf   05/15/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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