DeafDigest - 17 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 17, 2018   -- deaf stepfather's big shock Deaf Hank Blankenship became a stepfather when he married Deaf Deidre, and immediately became a role model father for her two children. That took place 14 years ago. They both had two more children for a total of four in the family. The two stepchildren wanted a legal father, not a stepfather and the two younger children wanted the older stepchildren to becme their full brother and sister. They came up with a plan - to give Hank the adoption papers at a surprise home event. The shocked Hank quickly accepted the plan. A picture is at:   -- Marlee Matlin shuts up the Yanny and Laurel question Right now, Yanny and Laurel is a fad, a trick voice from an audio. Many hearing people think the audio said Yanny while many other hearing people also think this same audio said Laurel. Marlee Matlin, who is deaf, was asked this question - Yanny or Laurel. She said: Yanni or Laurel? Don't ask me. I can't hear Her comment won over many people!   -- second reason to hate the portable captioning device Yesterday DeafDigest said that hearing people look over deaf person's shoulder in a movie theater and complain that the portable captioning device bothers them. Here is the second reason - a deaf person must balance the device with popcorn and soda and candy and in case of women, their purses. Must have 5 or 6 hands instead of two hands to carry all that stuff!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf man still jailed despite given court dismissal 05/13/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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