DeafDigest - 17 May 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 17, 2021 -- our perfect world What is our perfect world, and even also more-perfect world? An advocate said - deaf always having both captions and interpreters, allowing them to decide which is best for themselves. More-perfect world? Deef having full equity and accessibility to everything in life!   -- hearing doing homework When DeafDigest editor toured Paris some years back he had a meal at a deaf-run cafe. The proprietor said he spent 2-3 years doing research on other shops and stores that employ the deaf - to see what works the best and what doesn't with the deaf. There was a story about Pica Pica Bakery in Wuhan (China). The owner did the same thing - traveling to other deaf-run bakeries, cafes and educational programs for the deaf in three other major cities. When hearing hire the deaf, do they do homework? Good question!   -- not a priority at police academy Some police officers don't know how to deal with the deaf during traffic stops. Lack of deaf training at police academy? Classes at police academy sometimes are 4-5 months; sometimes 6 months at other academies. One or two hour one-time lectures on deafness at these academies are never enough!   please visit: Deaf jobs - latest update

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