DeafDigest - 17 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 17, 2016   -- The "Deaf Disease" fear Today, one of these blogs said that a high school wrestler, entered into a state tournament last year, did not want to face a deaf wrestler. He would rather forfeit the match to avoid that deaf wrestler. Is the hearing wrestler afraid of catching the "Deaf Disease" and becoming deaf? Don't know if he actually forfeited or had to swallow his fears and to wrestle against the deaf wrestler? See the picture at:   -- McDonald's Left and McDonald's Right Few weeks ago DeafDigest mentioned that a deaf man applied for a job at McDonald's in Missouri but was refused an interview because of his deafness. It was just learned that this deaf applicant worked at a different McDonald's before applying for a job at another McDonald's. Basically he was looking for a job transfer but McDonald's did not know what their left was from their right and immediately told the deaf man - no interview, sorry!   -- Noise-meter App for the Deaf Some noises are safe (music as an example). Some noises are dangerous (explosions, sirens and gun shots). A deaf Ukrainian engineer has come up with a new app that warns the deaf if the noise is safe or is dangerous. He is hoping this app will be installed in all Deaf Devices.     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- avoiding the word - deaf 11/13/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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