DeafDigest - 17 October 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 17, 2016 -- lunch delivery business in Malaysia Hairul Anuar, a deaf man in Malaysia, has a growing lunch delivery business. He had ambitions of either being a civil engineer or architect, but discrimination against deaf students at Malaysian universitites blocked him. He then became an accountant, but wasn't happy with it. He, however, was skilled in the kitchen, making meals for his family - and so started his own lunchbox delivery service. Business has grown and he has hired several deaf people to help him prepare lunches for his hearing clients. A picture is at:   -- expensive bill for telecommunications relay service In Nebraska, a deaf man was billed $40.00 per month just for telecommunications relay service. This bill was too much and the deaf man could not afford it. He was using his cell phone to stay in touch with the world, and that was why he was billed an additional $40.00. Fortunately for him, a local service agency has helped pay his phone bill.   -- broken campus bells at RIT For years RIT had electronic bells that would alert hearing students to the time of the day. These bells have been broken, very difficult to fix. The reason why RIT may not be too eager to fix the bells is becuase of deaf students at NTID. The RIT administration did not want deaf students to ask them why are they spending so much money to have bells fixed when there are other priorities they need! So, these bells continue as inoperative!   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- India royal family, deaf member 10/16/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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