DeafDigest - 17 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 17, 2018   -- another important Sears product for the deaf in the past Yesterday's DeafDigest mentioned an obsolete ear trumpet in the 1903 Searsscatalog. There was another one - during the early eighties - Closed Captioning Decoder Boxes. In these days TV sets did not have built-in decoders, forcing the deaf to buy decoder boxes. Sears made it available for anyone that wanted it, thus making closed captioned TV programs more popular.   -- Subway customer's creative solution to communications Graham Wade, who is deaf, is a sandwich maker with Subway in Port Aransas, Texas. He is the best sandwich maker one could find. A regular customer, who admires him, came up with something for him, a 2 by 4 poster of many pictures of all Subway ingredients. A customer would just point at the pictures, telling Graham what he wanted in a sub! This has made Graham an even better sandwich maker!   -- Language activist says that interpreter not enough in court room Zakeera Docrat, not deaf, is a language activist. She made this comment: All accused persons have a right to a fair trial and to be legally represented. But can a legal representative defend the accused fully when they communicate through an interpreter? No   This is her opinion. She is from Zaire. In USA we have Certified Deaf Interpreters that do their best to make sure the accused deaf understand the charges and accusations in the court room. And for deaf people who do not understand sign language, there are sign language experts that use gestures and body language to try to get the point across to them. Not easy, though!   Deaf jobs - latest updates 10/14/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:   open positions & JOB FAIR & $500.00 sign-on bonus details

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