DeafDigest - 17 September 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 17, 2015 morning     -- deaf multi-level marketing There was an announcement today of a business opportunity for the deaf, that would involve services of an interpreting agency. It was vague and DeafDigest read the announcement several times to try to understand what it was all about - and it seems to be a multi-level marketing opportunity. Multi-level means money made not just from sales but from recruiting others to join in the plan. Is this plan a good one for the deaf?   -- a country funds a school for the deaf in another country Many Asian nations cannot afford to fund schools for the deaf. One of them is Egypt. There will be a new school for the deaf in Egypt thanks to money from United Arab Emirates, which is a different nation. Hope this is successful because once seed money runs out, then the host nation must come up with their own money. And if the host nation fails, the deaf school closes - and the deaf children suffer.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   9/13/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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