DeafDigest - 17 September 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 17, 2018   -- national law against mocking the deaf It is unfortunate that some hearing people mock the deaf. In the Philippines, there is a law - Republic Act No. 9442 which makes it a violation to mock the deaf. Not sure if our ADA covers the "mocking" of the deaf, but it is a violation in the Philippines. This subject was the focus of a web posting today.   -- Texas deaf students may never know about Helen Keller Helen Keller is the world's most famous deaf-blind person. DeafDigest is worried that deaf students in the state of Texas may never have heard of her. Reason is that Texas Education board members approved removing Helen Keller from the school teaching agenda. Why?   -- an ugly incident at a small town restaurant A restaurant is popular in one small town. There are always long lines at this walk-in, no-reservations restaurant. A deaf couple was in front of the long line, expecting the restaurant manager to lead them to the next available table. The manager totally ignored the deaf couple and asked the couple behind them to come into the restaurant. When the deaf couple made an ugly scene, the manager apologized and led them to another table with a handwritten note that said "the couple behind you made reservations." Yet, the restaurant had a sign that said "no reservations" meaning the manager was not telling the truth!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- unavailable interpreter at sales presentation 09/16/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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