DeafDigest - 17 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 17, 2019 -- written communications not always the best Some deaf people love written communications. Some deaf people don't like written communications. An advocate said: If you use written communications, make sure you are understood. This is important because head-nodding with a smile does not always mean written communications is understood!   -- first-ever in Hollywood Deaf writers. Deaf producers, Deaf creators. Deaf actors. All in a Sundance TV show! This is the "This Close" program. First-time all-deaf-all-everything in Hollywood. Just hope hearing audience loves it. This is the most important thing.   -- Customer Service, no; Accessibility Experts, yes! British Airways will no longer allow its Customer Service team to handle issues with deaf and disabled travel. Instead, a new team - Accessibility Experts team will handle it. A hint for American airline groups that know nothing about the needs of the deaf?     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/15/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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