DeafDigest - 17 September 2020

-- honoring a captioning pioneer A tech web site ran this piece: 1947: Emerson Romero, a deaf former silent film actor, develops the first technique for captioning movies with sound by splicing images with text between picture frames, similar to the text cards of the silent film era. While DeafDigest is not sure if Romero was the first person to caption a movie, it is great that he is being recognized. This task was so labor-intensive and so time-consuming that he was only able to caption just a few full length movies.   -- American deaf child transfers to a deaf school in Canada An American family, with a deaf child, moved from USA to Canada. Reason was to have the deaf child attend classes in Canada, instead of taking classes on-line. How was this possible. The father is a Canadian citizen hence making the move possible. The mother who is an American, was not happy with the on-line classes in USA.   -- a big reason to caption the videos Captioning a video is hard work and time consuming. No one likes to do it. Yes, there are auto-captions that could do the job, but captioning accuracy is a big issue. Anyway one important reason to caption the video, either manually or automatically is to locate the video easier during web searches.   Deaf jobs - latest update 09/13/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:        

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