DeafDigest - 18 April 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, April 18, 2012 -- The cashier and the posted "deaf" sign on checkout counter At one of the Target stores, a deaf cashier checks out customers' purchases. A sign on his checkout counter warns the hearing customers that the cashier is deaf. A hearing customer saw the sign and did not like it. He wrote a newspaper story about it, wanting to know if it was important that hearing customers be warned of the cashier's deafness?   -- Fighting fires with ASL instructions Fighting fires with ASL instructions? Yes, with air and water hose equipment. But it is not a human fire fighter; it is a robot fire fighter! This robot built by the US Navy research team and is designed to take commands in ASL. This robot is not perfect and the researchers need to tinker more with it before it is 100 percent ready.   -- Hard to find Michigan School for the Deaf campus The new campus of the Michigan School for the Deaf will be ready soon. But the drivers may have problems finding the school in Flint, Michigan if they drive on I-75. There are no highway signs that tell us about the school campus. Many schools for the deaf have highway signs but not Michigan. Why? The Flint city administration did not ask the Michigan Department of Transportation for signs. And they would not explain the reason for not asking the state.     -- India's laws permit discrimination against the deaf! India is a big nation where newspapers always describe the deaf as deaf-and-dumb or deaf-mute. A research team with the National Disability Network and the Disabled Rights Group looked at all of India's laws. They found 150 different laws that discriminate against deaf. Examples are - deaf not allowed to marry, deaf not allowed to inherit, not allowed to write wills, not allowed to drive, etc. Many of these laws are old but were never changed. Will India's legislators change these laws?   -- A picture of a deaf street sign do visit: DeafDigest credits a well known deaf couple for taking the picture.   you can also visit:

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