DeafDigest - 18 April 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 18, 2017   -- White House says no to interpreters at $5 bil agency The CIA has a budget of $5 billion dollars, and has a good number of deaf employees. They need interpreters but CIA was not able to hire any because of freeze on hiring new employees  by the White House. Recently, the White House dropped the hiring freeze and hopefully the deaf employees can get good interpreters that they need. A picture is at:   -- waitress with two hearing aids is lucky A waitress at a restaurant in Branford, CT, wears two hearing aids. One hearing aid was broken and she had problems understanding the orders from a man and a woman at one table. The man asked why she had problems with the orders. She explained that her hearing aid was broken. After the meal, the man paid for the check and tipped her $500 with instructions to get her hearing aid fixed. The waitress cried while hugging the man! A google search of hearing aid repairs says $500 is probably just about right!   -- many hearing people like captions Do many hearing people like captions? There was a survey by a captioning advocacy group that said that 30 percent of viewers (both deaf and hearing) look at captions. And that most of the people in this 30 percent group are not deaf. On the flip side, 70 percent of viewers would not look at captions. Good or bad stats or just confusing stats?     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Hollywood fakery and the deaf 4/16/17 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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