DeafDigest - 18 April 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - April 18, 2018 -- Barbara Bush helped appoint deaf man to White House job Barbara Bush passed away yesterday. She was the wife of past president George H.W. Bush. Years ago she helped Goerge appoint Don Rhodes, a deaf man for these important White House duties. He started as a volunteer during George's election campaigns and moved up the ranks. Not too many people knew about it. One of Bush's friends said: He was so key to George Bush, but outside Bush world, he was totally unknown. He was the most important unknown person in those busy circles One of his last duties was to to sort and index documents that went to the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas a picture is at:   -- communicating with hearing patrons Mozzeria, deaf-owned and deaf-run pizzeria in San Francisco, has many patrons who do not speak English. No barriers there - deaf employees and hearing no-English patrons. They communicate very well via notes and hand gestures! It may be the reason why Mozzeria business is booming - word of mouth gets around fast among non-English speaking people in the city.   -- volunteering requires personal sacrifice A state asks for deaf people to volunteer serving on the board of directors of its own state commission for the deaf and hard of hearing. It is a worthwhile mission, yet it comes with sacrifices. Giving up personal time, willing to travel to meeting sites, must learn to use email, facetime, video conferencing, texting, etc. Must update community on developments. And risk confrontations at deaf events by people angry at the government!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf attorney's tricks of trade 04/15/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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