DeafDigest - 18 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 18, 2015 morning -- a deaf woman in an important Public Relations job Could a deaf person function in Public Relations? It is a big job with headaches, answering tough questions from the media on controversial issues. Well, Nira Yadin, who is deaf, is the spokeswoman for Israel's Construction Minister Yoav Galant. How does she communicate with the media? She texts and emails. And she has the 100 percent support of her boss, Yoav Galant.   -- deaf member of a gold medal winning culinary team Assistant chef Simamkele Twani is deaf. He is an important member of the culinary team at the Protea Hotel Balalaika Sandton in South Africa. A recent culinary competition took place between 25 different hotel teams. And Twani's team won the first place. The competition is called Cape Legends Inter Hotel Challenge, considerd to be the Oscars in the hotel industry. Team members learned sign language in order to communicate with its deaf member.   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   8/16/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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