DeafDigest - 18 August 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 18, 2016   -- interesting lawsuit on discrimination We have many deaf referees and umpires in many sports for many years. One of them - Chris Miller is a basketball referee in high level college basketball. Anyway, these game officials often need to attend clinics - some with interpreters, some without. Lawsuits on no interpreters? Jonathan Breuer is a softball umpire in New Jersey; he has requested interpreters for clinics he was required to attend. After being repeatedly turned down, he then filed a lawsuit. His attorney - Andrew Rozynski is a Coda whose father is a long time softball umpire. This aspect is interesting. A picture is at:   -- deaf nightmare in Louisiana Louisiana has been threatened with flooding. This state has many deaf residents, and they own houses that floods have threatened. Said a hearing neighbor of a deaf family that lives nearby: We have a deaf couple; t“They were stucks in. Obviously they can't use cellphones even when they turn back on. There was nothing they could do neither one could talk. We communicated best they could which is really a notepad and a pen. That's about all we had."   Very difficult for interpreters to reach flood sites and so, deaf people are dependent on generous hearing neighbors!   -- the Helen Keller mystery One the most powerful organizations in USA is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Many web sites credit Helen Keller as one of the ACLU founders. Was she really? The ACLU said: Founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, Walter Nelles, Morris Ernst, Albert DeSilver, Arthur Garfield Hays, Jane Addams, Felix Frankfurter, and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Keller's name is not on the list of founders. This is a mystery!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- sign language skills levels 08/14/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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