DeafDigest - 18 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 18, 2020 -- circuit courts vs circuit courts No two attorneys agree on ADA. The same goes for federal circuit court judges. On one side is Third, Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Federal Circuits. On the other side is the First, Second and Seventh Federal Circuits. One circuit, the 11th, is neutral. Smart attorneys try to find the right Federal Circuit court that will agree with them! This is not a joke - rights to captions, rights to interpreters and rights to other things are very important to the deaf.   -- cartoon music for deaf Many deaf people try to follow the music and are frustrated. Aaron Ziegler, not deaf, has come up with a special series of videos, that look like cartoons. The characters in the videos jump around here and there, up and down, depending on musical beats. He was honored by the Ohio Invention Convention for this idea.   -- simple or difficult for hearing An interpreter suggested a list of 30 simple gestures - such as where, restroom, follow me, etc? This would be used by hearing people that know nothing about ASL to try to communicate with the deaf. Will this work? DeafDigest has doubts. Simple gestures are often overwhelming to some hearing people!   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/16/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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