DeafDigest - 18 December 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 18, 2013 -- a controversial anti-hearing person passes away A facebook posting announced the death of Carl Schroeder because of cancer. Before he became ill, Carl was controversial because of his anti-hearing comments. He felt that hearing people hate the deaf. It was the basis of his "Deaf Hate Crime" lectures and many anti-hearing blog postings. It created so much noise in the Deaf Community for a while before it faded away. Carl said he came from generations of deaf family members stretching way back into the 11th century in the Netherlands! True or false? Don't know. He formerly taught English at Gallaudet before moving to the west coast and teaching at several colleges. Deaf activists either worshipped him or stayed away from him.   -- mystery visitors helping the hard of hearing, not helping the deaf? In Scotland, a group of mystery visitors toured musums, castles, liquor distilleries, to see if these facilities were sensitive to the needs of the hard of hearing. They looked for hearing loops everywhere and scolded the operators of these facilities for lacking these devices. But what about interpreters for the deaf. It was not important to these mystery visitors! Who organized the group of these mystery visitors - Action on Hearing Loss Scotland, which has no interest in the needs of the deaf, only in the needs of the hard of hearing. Painful discrimination? Yes!   -- A deaf clown in school; a clown for life Sergey Shashelev, a Russian who now lives in Florida, grew up loving to clown in school, making classmates laugh. Years later he is still clowning - only he does it professionally, for the Cirque du Soleil, part of Walt Disney World. Cast members come and go, and he is still with the original cast, still clowning. Even at the age of 53, he has no plans to retire. His biggest worry right now? His hearing clown partner of 15 years is leaving the cast, meaning he has to work with a new clown partner. They must know each other's moves, body language, cues, etc, and it takes time! He was lucky that his Russian teachers encouraged him to continue developing as a clown instead of scolding him! Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 12/15/13 Blue edition at: 12/15/13 Gold edition at:

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