DeafDigest - 18 December 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, December 18, 2014 -- reason for some web sites not deaf-friendly Why are some websites friendly to the deaf while others are not? If a web site is from a store or a shop, it must follow ADA rules on captions. But if a web site is without a store, then it may not always follow the ADA rules. A perfect example is Netflix which has no video stores! This is why the FCC and the ADA people are trying to fix it now.   -- a rare picture of a whale It is very difficult for scuba divers to take pictures of gray whales. These whales swim far out in the ocean, not near the beaches. One gray whale did and the picture was taken by scuba diver Chanon Hiatt. He is deaf. He took it on his 625th scuba dive! He was lucky to see a gray whale swimming around, and immediately grabbed his camera. It took place in Redondo Beach, CA. The officers of the Pacific Whale Watch Association were shocked by this picture.   -- most expensive deaf book in the world What is the most expensive Deaf Book in the world? It is the book titled "Granville Redmond" and the price is $600.00. Why is it so expensive? Possibly because there is only one book remaining in the world. It is an old book, not a new book! Who is Granville Redmond? He was deaf, from California School for the Deaf at Berkeley and died in 1935. He was famous for being one of the world's best artists and for acting with Charlie Chaplin in a few movies. One such movie was City Lights.   Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 12/14/14 Blue edition at: 12/14/14 Gold edition at:

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