DeafDigest - 18 December 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - December 18, 2019 -- deaf waitress, that functions as hearing, not tipped well A deaf woman, that functions as a hearing person, said she was given low tips by patrons. She couldn't get by with tips only and for that reason, she never worked again as a waitress. She has continued working in restaurants, but not as waitress!   -- two reasons deaf people hate captioning devices Here are two reasons why many deaf people hate captioning devices. Reason 1 - if one eats and chews on food while watching captions, the captioning glasses may bounce up and down, making watching of captions more difficult Reason 2 - batteries die too often! All the more reason for open captions.   -- restaurant agrees to post accessible signs The Market Place Kitchen & Bar is a fancy restaurant in Newtown, CT. As a result of ADA-lawsuit, the restaurant agreed to post "accessible signage." DeafDigest is not sure exactly what this means - electronic displays (that restaurants normally do not have) or menus on the walls that the deaf person could point or what? Do deaf people need accessible signage if they could just point to items on the menu?     Deaf jobs - latest update 12/15/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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