DeafDigest - 18 February 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, February 18, 2015 -- Alabama county 911 chief tells people not to text R.V. White, the Limestone County (Alabama) E911 chief has been telling people not to use text with 911 calls, instead, to use voice, if at all possible. Reason is that he wants to free up the 911 line for the deaf people that need to send emergency texts. It is the same as non-disabled drivers being told not to park in disabled parking spots!   -- more and more deaf angry at Hollywood There is a new hashtag #DeafTalent. It tells Hollywood to stop using hearing actors to play deaf roles both in movies and in TV. #DeafTalent started because hearing actress Catalina Sandino Moreno was cast in a deaf role; her knowledge of deafness and of the deaf is total ZERO. Enough is enough, hence this #DeafTalent hashtag. But will Hollywood listen? Very much doubt it!   -- Denmark to honor a deaf device Denmark will be issuing a new postage stamp on March 14th to honor devices invented by the Danish people. One device is the writing ball. It is a pre-typewriter invented in 1865 by Rasmus Malling-Hansen, who was not deaf. As a principal of the Royal Institute for the Deaf in Copenhagen, he invented it to help the deaf read and write better. Another Alexander Graham Bell? Yes, and no, but Bell hated sign language while Hansen loved it!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 2/15/15 Blue edition at: 2/15/15 Gold edition at:

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