DeafDigest - 18 February 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 18, 2020 -- Owner–Operator Independent Drivers Association won't support deaf truckers The Owner–Operator Independent Drivers Association has asked the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to keep the rule that does not allow the deaf to drive trucks. This is disappointing, at least in the long term. Currently the applications of deaf truckers are reviewed on a case by case basis. What this means that some deaf can drive trucks while some deaf cannot! Confusing and complicated set of regulations? Yes!   -- hidden deafness different from invisible deafness For years deaf people have known that their deafness is invisible to the public, unless they use sign language. And now this - hidden deafness. Same thing? No, it is deafness that disappears from audiograms! This is not an issue with the deaf people but an issue with audiologists.   -- a rare certification: legal/court interpreter How rare is the certification for legal/court interpreter? The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf said it is less than 3.5 percent. What this means is that if you need a legal/court interpreter, you may not get it!     Deaf jobs - latest update 02/16/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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