DeafDigest - 18 February 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - February 18, 2021 -- by invitation-only Some deaf professionals, that want to participate in conferences and workshops via Zoom and even the Clubhouse and other "conference" apps, are worried. They get the impression that while they are told they are welcome, the ome hearing participants give hints that participation is by invitation-only. Just hope it never happens - because it would lead to more and more ADA lawsuits!   -- tone-deaf an insult or a joke Is the phrase tone-deaf an insult to the deaf or just a joke among the hearing? A writer, arguing against ableism, said it is an insult to everyone.   -- wanting to become deaf A hearing woman, suffering from misophonia, has asked her doctor to make her deaf! Misophonia is a psychological disorder in that certain sounds would lead to emotional issues. Not sure if the doctor would agree.   Deaf jobs - latest update 02/14/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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