DeafDigest - 18 January 2012

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 18, 2012 -- A letter by Beethoven in 1823 In 1823, four years before Beethoven died, he wrote letters asking for money to fund a big musical event, the Missa Solemnis. It was to be the greatest achievement of his composing career. There was a problem - Beethoven was broke and couldn't afford this new project. So, he wrote letters, asking for money. One such letter was saved for many years, and it is being auctioned off now. Auctioneers said this letter is valued about $131,000! Missa Solemnis? It was a flop, and Beethoven died, disappointed about it.   -- Long time deaf employees becoming rare A newspaper posted a story on Richard Anderson, a deaf post office employee in Ohio. He is retiring after 41 years at the same job. In the past many deaf employees spent 40-45 years at same job (factory or newspaper plant). Not any more. There are layoffs, employer buy outs, factory closings, etc. If we see a deaf person employed for 40 years, it is from job to job, not at one job.   -- A surprise demand by a mother of 3 deaf children A hearing mother of 3 deaf children, made a demand that is surprising. She was attending an election rally in India and confronted candidate Gurmeet Singh Sodhi, not deaf. She demanded that that Sodhi give a free house for her and her 3 deaf children!. This shocked candidate immediately promised her a house, only if he is elected! As we all know, politicians anywhere in the world, make promises, hoping to get votes. And that almost all of these promises are broken.   -- A deaf carpenter on a reality TV program Michael Arwood, is deaf and he is a carpenter. He joined the construction crew that worked on a new home in the Knoxville, Tennessee area - that will be shown on the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition TV program. He was recently interviewed on a local TV news program.   -- CART eyeglasses in few years? Lumus, a high tech company, is manufacturing a special eyeglasses where people can see images in front of them while walking. Already it is used by jet pilots, surgeons and military forces. This company is also manufacturing different designs for movies and video games. What about the deaf? Lumus could also possibly create CART eyeglasses. It could be used when a deaf person talks to a hearing person on the street. The deaf person would need a small microphone so that the CART operator will know when to start captioning. Will this happen? Who knows!

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