DeafDigest - 18 January 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, January 18, 2017   -- deaf person in brown jacket A deaf person in a brown jacket went to a sub sandwich place to order a cheesesteak stub. See the picture at:   -- trial of deaf man dropped for one reason A deaf man in Oklahoma was supposed to stand a trial on charges of resisting arrest by a police officer. After much thought the prosecutor and the judge agreed to drop the trial. The defendant's attorney asked for six interpreters, including Certified Deaf Interpreters because the deaf man only had a limited knowledge of ASL. Since the deaf man was well known in the deaf community, the CDI's had to come from out of state. All that would cost too much money for the court to pay - and so, the trial was dropped!   -- Beethoven surprises we didn't know about A hearing musician who is a Beethoven historian said there were some surprises about Beethoven. His music was never recorded, just his written notes. He was flexible with each performance depending on audience responses. He only played in Vienna, never traveling to concerts in other nations. He loved studying Indian and African music. His music, especially the Ninth Symphony was a blend of different kinds of music, It was not just Viennese music.   Latest deaf jobs & also opportunity with Deaflympiccs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf diplomat with Department of State 1/15/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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