DeafDigest - 18 January 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 18, 2018 -- railroad help for confused deaf passengers Even with these digital displays that tell passengers of the next railroad stops, there are always confused passengers. Confused deaf passengers could be helped by a new idea. See the picture at:   -- hate crime and the deaf Do deaf people report a hate crime? No, according to a deaf activist in a speech he gave in Indiana!   -- deaf father wins custody of triplets A hearing surrogate mother gave birth to triplets. She then accused the deaf man of being an unfit father, and sued to gain custody. This case was complicated because the surrogate mother lived in California and the deaf father lived in Georgia - two different sets of state laws regarding surrogate babies. The father won the lower court case and also in the appeals court. The Supreme Court refused to listen to this case.   Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf officer in CIA 01/14/18 Blue and Gold editions at:       DO YOU SEE YOURSELF AS A COUNSELOR WITH DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING CLIENTS? more information at:

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