DeafDigest - 18 January 2021

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 18, 2021 -- a trick to avoid credit card machine incidents It seems there are always new technology with the credit card machines that makes current store machines obsolete. Clerks would voice out which credit card machine (out of 2 or 3 on the counter) to use. Deaf people cannot hear voice and may insert their credit cards into wrong machine, creating ugly incidents with the clerks. The trick is to delay inserting the credit card, allowing the clerk to point to the correct machine to use! Works for DeafDigest editor.   -- On the Waterfront; 1954 film vs 2021 film The famous movie "On the Waterfront" that was filmed in 1954, was shown again on TV yesterday. The 1954 movie had no subtitles (captions weren't invented yet) whereas yesterday's movie was captioned. Deaf people loved the 1954 movie for one reason - a lot of action, despite not understanding the plot. 67 years later, these same deaf people finally understood the plot (union issues leading to violence).   -- Massachusetts hires a new director Opeoluwa Sotonwa is the new director of the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This position had been vacant for some time. DeafDigest editor, years ago remembers an event in western Massachusetts. The past state director attended the event and the local deaf leaders were excited about it, expecting to have a private face to face meeting to discuss local deaf-related issues. Unfortunately, due to a personal emergency, the director had to leave the event to go home (in eastern part of the state). This early departure left the local leaders very disappointed.   Deaf jobs - latest update 01/17/21 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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