DeafDigest - 18 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 18, 2014     -- Walgreens executive says deaf can do it We have a few deaf forklift drivers, but many companies won't hire deaf people to drive forklifts. They say deafness is a danger in crowded warehouse areas. Wrong, says Walgreens executive Randy Lewis. He said "we found deaf forklift drivers are twice as safe as someone who can hear." He understands the needs of the deaf and the disabled because his son is an autistic.     -- missing in a hearing person's hand bag A newspaper ran a story of a hearing woman's hand bag and the stuff in it. Inside the bag were wallet, cash, snacks, eye mask and ear plugs, sewing kit, safety pins, hygiene tools, band aids, pocket beverages, beauty products, nail file, mirror, prescription pills, charger for her mobile device. And lastly, the iPhone. Only two things were missing! A pen and a pad! Both very important to the deaf but very unimportant to the hearing woman!     -- an update on U-S-A fingerspelled Coolidge Gold coin DeafDigest has mentioned a couple of times in the past about the Deaf $10.00 USA Gold Coin. The US Mint has announced that this coin is now being made available for public sale. Cost of this $10.00 Gold Coin? For the Proof version, it is $865.00, and for the Uncirculated version, it is $845.00. To know more about it, go to: (DeafDigest thanks Kenneth S. Rothschild for this update)       Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/13/14 Blue edition at: 07/13/14 Gold edition at:  

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