DeafDigest - 18 July 2019

-- a new Delta plan Delta plans to look for their employees that are ASL-fluent (knowing more than 300 ASL signs). Delta wants them to put their ASL pin on their uniforms so that deaf passengers can ask for assistance. Will it work? Hope so. Not every deaf person knows ASL. And the 300 signs is too low to be "certified" as ASL-fluent. And just because flight attendants may know some ASL does not mean they can read ASL! And what if Delta finds out too late (hint - just as when the plane is nearing the airport) that this flight attendant knows some ASL. It happened to DeafDigest editor.   -- important interpreter evaluation bill becomes law Gov. Tony Evers, Wisconsin, signed into law the bill Assembly Bill 250 which requires interpreters to be certified. And to be part of the certification committee are deaf members and already-certified interpreters. Hope this bill works. DeafDigest editor is tired of interpreters that do not sign that well, and even, worse, do not read signs that well! This is not a joke. Thirty years ago, the RID interpreters were the best. Not always that so, nowadays.   -- changing from Sainsbury's to Signsnbury's Sainsbury is a top supermarket chain in Great Britain. To honor deaf people that shop for groceries at their supermarkets, one store in one town is being renamed Signsnbury's for three days. Will Safeway change its name to Signway or Whole Foods change its name to Whole Signs and so on, in USA? Or even Trader Joe's (two blocks from Gallaudet) change its name to Trader ASL? Probably not!     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/14/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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