DeafDigest - 18 June 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 18, 2018   -- hearing authors avoid print books An avid deaf reader of serious novels complained that more authors avoid print books, prefering their stories to be told in audio. They are actually discriminating against their deaf readers - unless these audios are captioned! A picture is at:   -- app to help the deaf with doctors Two medical students are developing an app that is supposed to help the deaf when they visit doctors or hospitals. This app has many features - interpreted and captioned videos explaining different medical issues; deaf patients explaining to doctors about their pain and illnesses. Also explaining about different types of medicines.   -- story on deaf students at a major state university Are deaf students happy while attending a major state university? Many are not. Reasons are - feeling left out, feeling ignored, professors forgetting to turn on captions in classroom videos, lack of campus understanding of deafness, interpreters whose signs are difficult to understand, curious hearing students not willing to learn ASL, and so on. It was the focus of long newspaper story about that big state public university.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Titanic's deaf connection 06/17/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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