DeafDigest - 18 June 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - June 18, 2020 -- teaching the deaf these complicated factory skills A deaf person was hired to work in a factory, but had to learn these complicated skills as a heavy machinery mechanic. The instructor never worked with the deaf in the past, and while he used notes and white boards to explain to the deaf what to do, he had something that many hearing instructors lack - unlimited patience. In due time, the deaf person learned fast and became a master mechanic! Why not an interpreter? Very difficult for an interpreter to work in tight working spaces.   -- ouch, says Fedex The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission fined FedEx Ground Package System $3,300,000 for discriminating against deaf employees. This is a big, big fine because normally EEOC would fine wrong-doing companies about $50,000 to $100,000. So for Fedex, to be fined $3.3 million is a big ouch. Hopefully Fedex has learned its lesson and give deaf employees opportunities for advancement in the company.   -- from voice-less to voice Tweets were just text-only. Not any more, it will include voice, for the benefit of the hearing. This change does not impact on deaf users, just something to be aware of.   Deaf jobs - latest update 06/14/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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