DeafDigest - 18 March 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 18, 2019 -- problems in deciding what is the best In a Forbes magazine article, the issue discussed was - what is the best? Hearing people deciding what is the best - better kitchen stuff, better apps, better ATMs, etc? These great products are not deaf-friendly and therefore, not really the best!   -- Starbucks and the deaf Starbucks just announced the opening of its 30,000th store in the world. It also said it was proud of its first deaf-friendly store in Washington, DC, within walking distance of Gallaudet University. Is Starbucks planning to open a second deaf-friendly store in Rochester, NY, within walking distance of NTID?   -- a request hard to believe A video stream producer posted this request on a web site, looking for a volunteer captioner. Very hard to believe that it was posted. Captioning a video is not an easy task. No one wants to volunteer for difficult tasks, captioning included.   Deaf jobs - latest update 03/17/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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